Having a Soul in Business

I never wanted to work in the business world. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but professor, writer, bartender — all seemed more appealing than “Marketing Manager.” And yet, here I am, managing social media marketing projects (and loving my work, incidentally). So what was the fear anyway?  Well, it still exists. I… Continue reading Having a Soul in Business

Aging Feminist

The older I get, the more of a feminist I become. Is it the continued experience of witnessing injustice? Seeing as how I just learned about Bride Burning or the debacle of the Hobby Lobby ruling, I wish this were the case. But no. I’m one of those “if it doesn’t affect me” types. So, now… Continue reading Aging Feminist

I Write for a Living

Anyone else out there write for a living? How do you cobble together a paycheck?  Here’s my experience. Although I do not yet have a book published, I do make a modest living as a writer, which is something many writers hope for most of all.  For this, I am grateful. I began as a trade… Continue reading I Write for a Living

Enjoying the Process

I have been drifting in an ocean of work. It upsets blog communications. But this is a very good thing. This book is nearly complete. I have the last quarter left of draft one and have experienced a very cool phenomenon as an outline writer — basically, what I’ve heard people speak about and hadn’t… Continue reading Enjoying the Process

Thinking Through Forgiveness

We hurt each other a lot, unintentionally, with assumptions mostly or lack of empathy. But I’m not wondering about small injuries. Those are easy. Forgive. In relationships, those little things can layer up, of course, and become habits or large seeming monstrosities. So that eventually one fights about lettuce and bursts into tears screaming, “It’s… Continue reading Thinking Through Forgiveness