The Nones – Enlightened Masses or Apathetic Poll Subjects?

“One-fifth of the U.S. public – and a third of adults under 30 – are religiously unaffiliated today, the highest percentages ever in Pew Research Center polling.” Every time Pew runs this study, worldview blogs catch on fire with excitement. Secularists see it as a victory of a newly enlightened young population.  Christians see it… Continue reading The Nones – Enlightened Masses or Apathetic Poll Subjects?

Creepy and Awesome

As a writer, I often think, “Who really cares what I write?  I’m just entertaining people with a story and taking them away from everyday life.” Then again, I do hope maybe they’ll think a little differently afterwards, right? Certainly you remember a Fiction book, maybe a classic, that changed how you think. Well, now… Continue reading Creepy and Awesome

Reaching my True Potential

We don’t have TV at home, but it seems when we travel and my son eagerly goes to the Cartoon Network, I have to watch Ninjago — a brilliant scheme in merchandising where the Ninjago lego sets come to life and fight battles for hours on end (or so it seems to me). And the… Continue reading Reaching my True Potential

Married Gay Mormon Comes Out

So this is viral and I’d be remiss not to mention it, just in case you missed it out there. Josh Weed is a gay Mormon, married to a childhood sweetheart (female), and they have three kids.  He posted his story here and it’s long, but also thoughtful and compelling. I was particularly impressed by… Continue reading Married Gay Mormon Comes Out


I knew a guy that could turn the conversation back to the topic of himself in under one sentence.  Wherever he is now, I know he adores social media. I have often believed the act of truly listening – where you immerse yourself in another person’s life, opinions, values, concerns and then engage them with… Continue reading MeMeMe